European Regional Development Fund
European Regional Development Fund


Registration is open for the upcoming ONLINE PORI URBAN LAB taking place in Finland from 25 – 26 August 2021!

pori lab, urban cultural planning, cultural planning, urbcultural, grrening the city, blueing the city

The Pori Urban Lab will take place online and cover the green and blue element through different angles: policy making, artistic work, interventions and research. How can cities promote the use of these elements to support urban development?

On Wednesday 25th we will learn about artist-led park design processes that involve gaming, green policy making in the context of urban national park and guerrilla-type green interventions and activism. The participants will also be asked to do a small task in their hometown to share some of the best ideas with others.

On Thursday 26th we will dig deep in to research and art projects conducted in the Kokemäenjoki river area by Turku University and also hear about the significance of urban parks and sustainability with the most globally well-known Pori brand, the Pori Jazz Festival.

Parallel to the lab, we will host a symposium “Green Utopia”, where a team of researchers will develop something wild for Pori! We will hear more about their work and results during the lab.


Open until 23 August, 23:59. Please, register HERE!


Download the programme file HERE!